Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Dell Holiday Giveaway & and an unrelated video

Shameless plug here, but that's what good Internetting skills are all about...

That's a link to their contest, which should earn me more dice rolls...hey, don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger! You're lucky I'm posting anything!

To reward you for hanging on through's some free LOL you can have...CBC commentator harassed by the bones broken...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

NHL Gamecentre Live...raw deal for Saskatchewan.

So...they (the NHL) would like $160 for a season long subscription to NHL Gamecentre Live (they spell it Center).

At first glance, that's not even so bad...until you realize that nationally broadcast games are NOT included. This means all Hockey Night in Canada games, and all NHL on TSN games. As someone looking to replace cable, that's a large chunk of the hockey I'd be watching...I don't have as much time during the week).

But, I have a USB tv tuner card for my Mac, I can capture the low-def over the air feed of Hockey Night every weekend, plus fast forward all the nonsense. If that fails, CBC streams HNIC games on their own site as well.

TSN rarely streams games, mostly ones featuring two American teams, probably cause it's cheaper to get those rights in Canada, since none of us care much for the Texas Puckriders, Beverly Hills Implants, Mississippi Queens, Phoenix Coyotes, and other such fictional expansion teams.

Also not included in the so-called GameCentre Live package...all REGIONAL Sportsnet games. Well, you say, that's no big deal, I live in Saskatchewan, days away from any NHL team! Not so, dear reader, not so...because Saskatchewan is kindly lumped in with Alberta, into the Sportsnet West broadcast region. Oilers or Calgary games with NHL Gamecenter Live in Saskatchewan. Well that's fucking outstanding.

But wait, Gamecenter also includes "select playoff games"...basically any American matchups from the first round or two (since CBC and TSN will spilt the Canadian matchups). Boy...not sweeting the pot any with that one.

This is the sound of one hand clapping...'clap'...'clap'...for the NHL and their infinite broadcast wisdom, and being so tuned in with what their audience wants to watch. One would think they had an elite product or something.

Congrats on blacking out your hardcore fans from giving you money. Looking forward to putting my $160 somewhere else yet again this season. that that's out of the way, thought I'd re-share (or shamelessly plug, as is the way these days) my old NHL parody video from a couple years back...we're almost at 100k views, people! My deepest thanks, I never thought I'd get 10...LOL. :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

NHL Reverb settings for Gverb in Audacity

Here's some great settings if you're looking to add reverb to your songs before importing them into NHL 10. I take no credit for these, I found them in the forums, they are not mine, tweak them as you wish.

If your song is too quiet, use the "Normalize" function to raise the level to match most of today's pop/rock songs. Settings as below. The key is to not raise it too much, otherwise the sound gets distorted and sounds bad.

Friday, June 11, 2010

SleepPhones Giveaway

I still haven't got around to trying these out, but they look pretty comfortable!

SleepPhones Giveaway ends today, maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones.